Slide Rail Systems - ClearSpan Gallery
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Brooklyn, NJ
Installing a 24x37x16 ClearSpan so they can install 6 round concrete dry wells at a future housing project.
Langhorne, PA
24x54x16 Slide Rail ClearSpan for a 70' steel casing under three railroad tracks. It is for storm water drainage on the Route 1 project.
Leola, PA
20x31x8 Slide Rail ClearSpan gets installed for a pour in place vault for a manufacturing facility.
Villanova, PA
A 39x56x16 ClearSpan Slide Rail System being used to install storm water recovery tanks to reconstitute for use in the new building.
Marcus Hook,PA
69x75x8 Slide Rail ClearSpan being used to put a foundation in for a cooling building. Here, the waler beam is in place.
Dallastown, PA
A 49x10 Slide Rail retaining wall is going in so they can remove fuel tanks. Then phase two will include the addition of the other three sides to install the new tanks.
Eagle, PA
14x67x8 four bay linear ClearSpan system being used on the PA Turnpike for a bridge pier in the middle of the highway. The first bay is in and down to grade.
Philadelphia, PA
The start of a 8 to 12 foot deep retaining wall. It will be done in two sections and be about 150 feet long per section. It is used to shore the city streets outside the fence while the contractors work on the basement of this apartment building.
Morrisville, PA
A 12x52x16 ClearSpan Slide Rail system. They are installing a clarifier tank at a future pet food plant.
Hershey, PA
ClearSpan 62x62x16 at Hershey Children's Hospital. Use of trench boxes was the initial thought, but TrenchTech provided a slide rail solution that was more efficient in extremely unstable/wet soil. They will be pouring in place concrete water storage tanks for the sprinkler system in the hospital.
Binghamton, NY
Replacing the fuel tanks at a Speedway. It is 37x48x16 deep. Very tight job site but the crew is making it work.
Peach Bottom, PA
4-sided ClearSpan Slide Rail used to install a foundation for a CTF at Peach Bottom Power Plant, 41 x 41 x 16 deep
Piscataway, NJ
Slide rail being used to install a water recovery system at a small vitamin manufacturing facility.
Leola PA
4-sided clear span being used to install two 77' long tanks for a storm water recovery system.
Scranton, PA
Slide rail clear span for a poured in place concrete holding tank at an existing pump station.Back to Project Gallery