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Stone Mizer

Wider and more durable bedding material containers can accommodate oversized excavator buckets and withstand the forces of larger excavators. These bedding containers are tapered at both ends to facilitate removal of materials with excavator buckets.
Stone Boxes substantially reduce bedding material loss by keeping it confined to the container. They allow operators to control bedding placement carefully, with a minimum of waste.
TrenchTech's Stone Boxes save contractors thousands of bottom line dollars each year by:
- Reducing the time that production crews wait for pipe bedding transfers
- Reducing the amount of costly wasted or spilled bedding
- Reducing restoration costs
- Saving more time for pipe production
Heavy Duty Stone Boxes from 5-20 cubic yards
- Wear strips on bottom
- Channel skids
- Pulling lugs
- Wide mouth available for larger buckets
- Custom sized boxes available
Sizing a Stone Box
- Boxes should hold a minimum of four buckets (large enough to make one complete cut or cycle).
- The inside dimension of the box should be at least 12 in. wider than the excavator bucket.
- Heavy duty designs are recommended for 90,000+ lbs. excavators.
- Special designs are available. Contact TrenchTech for more information.
Standard Series:
- 1/4 in. plate sides and ends.
- 1/2 in. plate bottom.
- Lift Bar included.
- 24 in. clearance between lift bar and stone box
Heavy Duty Series:
- 3/8 in. plate sides.
- 1/2 in. plate ends and bottom.
- Lift Bar included.
- 24 in. clearance between lift bar and stone box.
- Recommended for 90,000+ lb. excavators.
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